Monday, May 10, 2010

Information about each Client

Helen Keller

Helen Keller; political activist, author and lecturer. From an architectural viewpoint though, the most notable thing about Helen Keller is that she is both blind and deaf. She learned through the sense of touch so when creating a space for her, visual perception must be exchanged for touch. She must walk her way through the space by feeling whats around her.

Miranda Kerr

Miranda Kerr is an Australian model and a Victoria's Secret angel. When creating a space for this client, mirrors and long walkways should be considered in order to provide a functional space for her modelling career.

Angela Merkel

Angela Merkel is a policitan, or more specifically, is the current chancellor for Germany. She's been awarded the "Vision for Europe award" due to her contribution toward a greater integrated European Union. A space for her should involve mirrors (to practice speaking), large spaces for discussions and a secret underground lair (to hide all her political dirty work).

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